World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

Nemys source details

Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. Jr.; De Coninck, L. A. (1933). Diagnoses of new Belgian marine nemas. Bull. Mus. royal d'Hist. Nat. Belg./Med. Kon. Natuurhist. Mus. Belg. 9(4): 1-15, 5 plates.
Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. Jr.; De Coninck, L. A.
Diagnoses of new Belgian marine nemas
Bull. Mus. royal d'Hist. Nat. Belg./Med. Kon. Natuurhist. Mus. Belg.
9(4): 1-15, 5 plates
Locality: NA; Cabinet:n1730; NeMys doc_id: 4187
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Bathylaimus macramphis Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Bathylaimus paralongisetosus Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Bathylaimus stenolaimus Schuurmans-Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Bolbolaimus amabilis de Man, 1922 (basis of record)
Chromadorina longisetosa (De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) Wieser, 1954 (additional source)
Dermatolaimus Steiner, 1920 accepted as Leptolaimus de Man, 1876 (basis of record)
Dermatolaimus elegans Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 accepted as Leptolaimus elegans (Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) Gerlach, 1958 (basis of record)
Dermatolaimus elegans Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 accepted as Leptolaimus elegans (Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) Gerlach, 1958 (original description)
Dichromadora hyalocheile De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933 (additional source)
Leptolaimus setiger Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Microlaimus acuticaudatus Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Microlaimus marinus (Schulz, 1932) Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (new combination reference)
Microlaimus robustidens Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Odontophora longicaudata Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Paracothonolaimus Schulz, 1932 accepted as Microlaimus de Man, 1880 (additional source)
Paracothonolaimus marinus Schulz, 1932 accepted as Microlaimus marinus (Schulz, 1932) Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (source of synonymy)
Steineria mirabilis Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 accepted as Trichotheristus mirabilis (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) accepted as Daptonema mirabilis (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) Tchesunov, 1990 (basis of record)
Steineria mirabilis Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 accepted as Trichotheristus mirabilis (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) accepted as Daptonema mirabilis (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) Tchesunov, 1990 (original description)
Steineria setosissima (Cobb, 1894) Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck (1933) (new combination reference)
Theristus longisetosus Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Trichotheristus longisetosus (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) accepted as Theristus longisetosus Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 (original description)
Trichotheristus mirabilis (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) accepted as Daptonema mirabilis (Schuurmans Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933) Tchesunov, 1990 (original description)


The genus is characterised by its distinct 8-fold radial symmetry in the distribution of labial and cephalic ... [details]


Steineria mirabilis is the first representant of this genus in European waters. [details]


The excessive pilosity of the body permits the animal only a half-sessile manner of life. [details]


fine sand and decaying roots of Statice limonium L. in a small channel of 't Zwin, 21 PSU [details]


Coarse sand of the littoral [details]


Fine sand and decaying roots of Statice limonium

21 PSU [details]


This species strongly ressembles Bathylaimus longisetosus (Allgén) (syn. Cotthonolaimus longisetosus Allgén, ... [details]


probably closely allied with Microlaimus robustidens Stekhoven & De Coninck, 1933 [details]


Closely alllied to Leptolaimus papilliger De Man, but may be distinguished from it o. a. by the presence of ... [details]


The present species strongly ressembles Microlaimus marinus (Schulz, 1932), syn. Paracothonolaimus marinus Schulz, ... [details]


Differs from the other known species of the Genus by the size and shape of the tail and of the amphids [details]


This species seems to be closely allied to Theristus heterospiculum Allgén, 1932, from the Campbell islands, but ... [details]

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