"Position Description: Plant-parasitic nematodes are destructive pests causing significant economic losses annually. The successful candidates will manage projects aimed at understanding these interactions and developing strategies for durable resistance in crops. The work will include a mix of wet lab, molecular biology, field and greenhouse experiments. Specific duties may include:
- Designing and conducting experiments to study nematode biology and host responses.
- Utilizing molecular techniques such as gene cloning, qPCR, RNAseq, and CRISPR.
- Performing biochemical assays to analyze plant-nematode interactions.
- Conducting greenhouse trials to test plant resistance and the effectiveness of biotechnological interventions.
- Analyzing data and preparing manuscripts for publication.
- Details:
- Start Date: Flexible based on the candidate’s availability.
- Application Deadline: Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.
- Salary: Competitive, based on experience, ranging from $66,000 to $90,000 per year.
- Research Scientist Opportunity: Candidates with more than 5 years of post-PhD experience may be hired as a research scientist.
How to Apply: To apply, please email Dr. Shahid Siddique at
ssiddique@ucdavis.edu with the subject line “Nematology Jobs”. Your single PDF
application should contain:
• A one-page tailored cover letter.
• A current CV, highlighting contact information for three references."