World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent


PhD position: Heat-stable plant resistances (NemEmerge II)

Added on 2023-11-14 13:33:24 by Bezerra, Tânia Nara
This is one of the 3 PhD positions in the NEM-EMERGE project at WUR
The project consortium comprises 19 partners from all over Europe that work together in ‘work packages’ that address different aspects of this project. The project allowed us to appoint three PhD’s: each will work on another work package, but together you will be a team of PhDs that contribute to the overall project goals.     

Your duties and responsibilities include:  
  • the design of experimental setups to study the impact of heat stress on nematode resistance NLR proteins;
  • the use of bio-informatic tools for comparative sequence analyses, protein modelling and structural analyses;
  • the use of molecular and biochemical techniques to identify and characterize molecular determinants of NLR heat stability;
  • the use of structure-informed approaches for functional testing of NLR mutants;
  • the development of strategies to engineer and/or select novel candidate genes conferring nematode resistance under heat stress.
Do you want more information?
For more information about this position, please contact Hans Helder or Aska Goverse, UHD, by telephone: 06-13184155 or by e-mail:,
For more information about the procedure, please contact Noorien Abbas, Corporate Recruiter, by email:

Do you want to apply?
You can apply directly using the apply button on the vacancy page on the website which will allow to process your personal information with your approval.
This vacancy will be listed up to and including the 4th of December 2023. We anticipate to schedule the first job interviews on mid-December 2023.


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Page generated 2025-01-24 · contact: Tânia Nara Bezerra or