World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent


Third PANEMA webinar on Friday 2 September 2022 at 12:00 CEST/ SAST, or 13:00 EAT

Added on 2022-09-01 14:35:11 by Bezerra, Tânia Nara
Topic: Occurrence and diversity of nematodes of banana (Musa spp.) linked to altitude with a focus on pathogenicity of Pratylenchus goodeyi in Kenya
"Kenyatta University alumnus, Douglas Nyang’au, will present his master thesis research that was done in collaboration with the NemAfrica team of NEMEDUSSA partners IITA/ICIPE. This research resulted in a scientific publication in the journal Nematology.
Nyang’au, D., Atandi, J., Cortada, L., Nchore, S., Mwangi, M., & Coyne, D. (2021). Diversity of nematodes on banana (Musa spp.) in Kenya linked to altitude and with a focus on the pathogenicity of Pratylenchus goodeyi, Nematology (published online ahead of print 2021). doi: bja10119;
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Upon registration, the link for the ZOOM meeting will automatically be sent to you.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards,
Dora Scott"

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