World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent


ICN 2022

Added on 2021-11-21 17:56:21 by Bezerra, Tânia Nara
Early-bird registration and abstract submission for new delegates will open 15 November 2021 and continue through 28 February 2022.
ICN 2022 Registration Re-Opening Soon!

The Seventh International Congress of Nematology will occur 1-6 May 2022 at the Palais des Congrès in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins (France). All previous arrangements made by registrants for the pandemic-delayed ICN 2020 have been maintained. Early-bird registration and abstract submission for new delegates will open 15 November 2021 and continue through 28 February 2022.

• If you registered for ICN 2020, you need do nothing at this time. You will be contacted later this year to confirm/modify your registration/lodging details and you will have the opportunity to submit a new abstract.

• Registration substitutions (due to laboratory personnel changes, etc.) are permitted.

• Options for online viewing of sessions are being explored in the event conditions in some regions warrant their implementation.

• If you were an ICN 2020 bursary recipient, the award remains valid. You will be contacted soon to confirm your participation.

• Depending on availability there may be opportunities for new students to compete for bursaries.

• The scientific program will be maintained as nearly as possible in its current form, but with revised dates. Authors will have the opportunity to change/revise their original abstracts and session organizers will have the ability to review and revise their agendas. We kindly ask authors not to contact us at this time as conference arrangements are being adjusted.

Registration for the Seventh International Congress of Nematology is currently six hundred and eighty-two nematologists from 57 countries, including 100 student and early career scientist bursary recipients. The scientific program comprises 32 concurrent sessions with 288 oral presentations, 12 workshops, 12 keynote speakers, and poster sessions with more than 500 presentations. The mid-meeting excursions will provide outstanding opportunities to explore the splendid nature and the rich culture of the French Riviera. We look forward to welcoming you in Antibes in 2022, to celebrate gathering together again at a truly memorable scientific meeting.

Dr. Pierre Abad, 7th ICN Chair Ernesto San-Blas, Scientific Program Chair Larry Duncan, IFNS President

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