World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent


ICN 2020

Added on 2019-11-22 14:09:32 by Bezerra, Tânia Nara
Seventh International Congress of Nematology - Antibes Juan-les-Pins - France
Register Now for The Seventh International Congress of Nematology!

Second Announcement

 Springtime congress on the Riviera (3-8 May 2020) – Perfect weather, beat the summer crowds!
  • 12 keynote talks ranging from “nematodes in space” to “microbiomes of nematodes in the seas,” to “nematode management in agrosystems.”
  • 12 workshops/symposia
  • 32 oral sessions
  • Poster sessions in the spacious surroundings of the Palais des Congres
  • 3-minute flash previews during the regular oral sessions.
  • Four organized tours (or enjoy the day exploring the medieval town, its shops, markets, museums, restaurants and beaches)
  • Special registration rates for middle and lower income countries
For Students!
  • 100 bursaries up to €1200 for students and early career scientists (must apply for bursary by 30 November, 2019!)
  • Special congress hotel rates beginning at €35
  • Low registration rates
  • Student Poster Awards
Registration includes lunches, coffee breaks, a welcome reception, mid-week tours, and the congress banquet. The Congress is being organized by the European Society of Nematology (ESN) Juan-les-Pins, one of the most celebrated seaside resorts of the French Riviera since the ‘Belle Epoque’ of the 1920s.
Every effort was made to make the meeting comprehensive, cutting edge, and affordable to all. So register now to take part in the Congress next spring – a perfect time of year on the Riviera. Early registration and abstract submission is until 15 January 2020. Applications for student and early career travel bursaries must be received by 30 November. Successful applicants will be informed by the first week of January.

Bienvenue en France! We hope to see you all soon!


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