World Database of Nematodes Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent
Nemys Taxon list
Acanthopharyngoides bidentatus Jensen, 1985
Acanthopharyngoides chitwoodi Wieser, 1954
Acanthopharyngoides duplex Gerlach, 1963
Acanthopharyngoides quintus Riemann & Schrage, 1977
Acanthopharyngoides scleratus Chitwood, 1936
Acanthopharyngoides tyrrhenicus Wieser, 1954
Acanthopharynx affinis Marion, 1870
Acanthopharynx brachycapitata (Allgén, 1947) Gerlach, 1963 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Acanthopharynx denticulatus Wieser, 1954
Acanthopharynx distechei Decraemer & Coomans, 1978
Acanthopharynx dormitata Leduc & Zhao, 2016
Acanthopharynx japonica Steiner & Hoeppli, 1926
Acanthopharynx marioni Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1942 accepted as Acanthopharynx micans (Eberth, 1863) Marion, 1870
Acanthopharynx merostomacha (Steiner, 1921) Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1943 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Acanthopharynx micans (Eberth, 1863) Marion, 1870
Acanthopharynx micramphis Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1942
Acanthopharynx nuda (Cobb, 1920) Gerlach, 1963
Acanthopharynx oculata Marion, 1870 accepted as Cyatholaimus oculatus (Marion, 1870) Rouville, 1905
Acanthopharynx parva Tchesunov, Rodriguez Garcia, Simakova & Mokievsky, 2023
Acanthopharynx perarmata Marion, 1870
Acanthopharynx rigida Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950
Acanthopharynx seticauda Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950 accepted as Acanthopharynx micans (Eberth, 1863) Marion, 1870
Acanthopharynx setosissima Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1943 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Acanthopharynx similis (Allgén, 1932) Gerlach, 1963 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Acanthopharynx striatipunctata Marion, 1870 accepted as Cyatholaimus striatipunctatus (Marion, 1870) Wieser, 1954
Aculeonchus sphaericus Kreis, 1928 accepted as Desmodora (Croconema) sphaericum (Kreis, 1928) Luc & De Coninck, 1959 accepted as Croconema sphaerica (Kreis, 1928) Gerlach, 1963
Amphispira rotundicephala Cobb, 1920
Bla nini Inglis, 1963 accepted as Desmodora nini (Inglis, 1963) Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998
Bolbonema braziliensis Larrazábal-Filho, Neres & Esteves, 2018
Bolbonema brevicolle Cobb, 1920
Bolbonema longisetosum (Jensen, 1985) Verschelde et al., 1998
Bolbonema papillae Larrazábal-Filho, Neres & Esteves, 2018
Bolbonema rabosum (Gerlach, 1956) Leduc & Verschelde, 2015
Bolbonema spiralis Hourston & Warwick, 2010
Bolbonema zildae Larrazáal-Filho, Neres & Esteves, 2018
Croconema arcospiculum (Allgen, 1951) Wieser, 1954 accepted as Croconema cinctum Cobb, 1920
Croconema boucheri Ott, 1976
Croconema cinctum Cobb, 1920
Croconema floriani Verschelde, Nicholas & Vincx, 2006
Croconema fortis Larrazábal-Filho, Da Silva & Esteves, 2015
Croconema longiseta Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950
Croconema mammillatum Steiner & Hoeppli, 1926
Croconema mawsonae Inglis, 1968 accepted as Croconema mawsoni Inglis, 1968
Croconema mawsoni Inglis, 1968
Croconema mediterraneum Wieser, 1954
Croconema otti Gourbault & Vincx, 1990
Croconema ovigerum Ott, 1976
Croconema pararotundicapitata (Allgén, 1959) Gerlach, 1963 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Croconema rotundicapitata (Allgén, 1959) Gerlach, 1963 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Croconema sphaerica (Kreis, 1928) Gerlach, 1963
Croconema stateni (Allgén, 1928) Wieser, 1954
Croconema torquens (Gerlach, 1963) Gerlach, 1964
Desmodora (Bolbonema) brevicolle accepted as Bolbonema brevicolle Cobb, 1920
Desmodora (Bolbonema) brevicollis (Cobb, 1920) Gerlach, 1963 accepted as Bolbonema brevicolle Cobb, 1920
Desmodora (Bolbonema) longisetosa (Jensen, 1985) accepted as Desmodora (Bolbonema) longisetosum (Jensen, 1985) accepted as Bolbonema longisetosum (Jensen, 1985) Verschelde et al., 1998
Desmodora (Bolbonema) longisetosum (Jensen, 1985) accepted as Bolbonema longisetosum (Jensen, 1985) Verschelde et al., 1998
Desmodora (Croconema) acrospiculum (Allgén, 1951) (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Desmodora (Croconema) cincta (Cobb, 1920) Gerlach, 1963 accepted as Croconema cinctum Cobb, 1920
Desmodora (Croconema) longiseta Boucher, 1973 accepted as Croconema boucheri Ott, 1976
Desmodora (Croconema) mediterranea Wieser, 1954 accepted as Croconema mediterraneum Wieser, 1954
Desmodora (Croconema) ovigera Ott, 1976 accepted as Croconema ovigerum Ott, 1976
Desmodora (Croconema) sphaericum (Kreis, 1928) Luc & De Coninck, 1959 accepted as Croconema sphaerica (Kreis, 1928) Gerlach, 1963
Desmodora (Desmodorella) balteata Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998 accepted as Desmodorella balteata Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998
Desmodora (Desmodorella) cephalata Cobb, 1933 accepted as Desmodora cephalata (Cobb, 1933) accepted as Desmodorella tenuispiculum (Allgén, 1928) Gerlach, 1963
Desmodora (Desmodorella) nybelini (Allgén, 1954) (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Desmodora (Desmodorella) spineacaudata Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998 accepted as Desmodorella spineacaudata Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998
Desmodora (Sibayinema) natalensis Swart & Heyns, 1991 accepted as Sibayinema natalensis Swart & Heyns, 1991
Desmodora abyssorum Allgén, 1929 accepted as Desmodorella abyssorum (Allgén, 1929) Gerlach, 1963
Desmodora acrospiculum Allgén, 1951 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Desmodora alberti Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998
Desmodora angusticollis Daday, 1901
Desmodora aquaedulcis Gagarin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2003 accepted as Desmodorella aquaedulcis Gagarin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2003
Desmodora aquaedulcis Gagarin & Thahn, 2003 accepted as Desmodorella aquaedulcis Gagarin & Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2003
Desmodora arcospiculum Allgén, 1951
Desmodora armata Ditlevsen, 1930 accepted as Croconema stateni (Allgén, 1928) Wieser, 1954
Desmodora aucklandiae Ditlevsen, 1921
Desmodora australis Allgén, 1959
Desmodora bilacinia Leduc & Zhao, 2016
Desmodora bipapillata Gerlach, 1967 accepted as Pseudodesmodora bipapillata (Gerlach, 1967) Verschelde et al., 1998
Desmodora boucheri Ott, 1976 accepted as Croconema boucheri Ott, 1976
Desmodora brachycapitata Allgén, 1947 accepted as Acanthopharynx brachycapitata (Allgén, 1947) Gerlach, 1963
Desmodora brachypharynx Allgén, 1947 (unaccepted )
Desmodora brevicollis (Cobb, 1912) accepted as Bolbonema brevicolle Cobb, 1920
Desmodora bulbosa Jensen, 1985 accepted as Pseudodesmodora bulbosa (Jensen, 1985) Verschelde et al., 1998
Desmodora bullata Steiner, 1916 accepted as Desmodorella bullata (Steiner, 1916) Verschelde, Gourbault & Vincx, 1998
Desmodora californica Allgén, 1947
Desmodora campbelli (Allgén, 1932) (uncertain > taxon inquirendum )
Desmodora campbelli reductoides (Allgén, 1959) accepted as Desmodora campbelli (Allgén, 1932)
Desmodora campbelli striaticapitata Allgén, 1959 accepted as Desmodora campbelli (Allgén, 1932)
Desmodora cazca Gerlach, 1956 accepted as Pseudochromadora cazca Gerlach, 1956
Desmodora cephalata (Cobb, 1920) accepted as Pseudochromadora quadripapillata Daday, 1899
Desmodora cephalata (Cobb, 1933) accepted as Desmodorella tenuispiculum (Allgén, 1928) Gerlach, 1963
Desmodora cephalia (Cobb, 1933) Gerlach & Riemann, 1973 accepted as Desmodorella tenuispiculum (Allgén, 1928) Gerlach, 1963
Desmodora cephalophora Allgén, 1947
Desmodora cincta (Cobb, 1920) accepted as Croconema cinctum Cobb, 1920
Desmodora communis (Bütschli, 1874) De Man, 1889
Desmodora conica Vitiello, 1971
Desmodora coniseta (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950) (unaccepted )
Desmodora conocephala Steiner, 1918
Desmodora crassa Allgén, 1951
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