Giblin-Davis, R.; Ragsdale, E.; Zeng, Y.; De Ley, P.; Kanzaki, N.; Schierenberg, E.; Center, B.; Williams, D. (2010). Ultrastructure and life history of Myolaimus byersi n. sp. (Myolaimina: Myolaimidae), a phoretic associate of the crane fly, Limonia schwarzi (Alexander) (Limoniidae), in Florida. Nematology. 12(4): 519-542.
Giblin-Davis, R.; Ragsdale, E.; Zeng, Y.; De Ley, P.; Kanzaki, N.; Schierenberg, E.; Center, B.; Williams, D.
Ultrastructure and life history of Myolaimus byersi n. sp. (Myolaimina: Myolaimidae), a phoretic associate of the crane fly, Limonia schwarzi (Alexander) (Limoniidae), in Florida