World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

Nemys source details

Mawson, P. M. (1956). Free-living nematodes. Section I: Enoploidea from Antarctic stations. B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition Reports, Series B. 6(3): 37-74.
Mawson, P. M.
Free-living nematodes. Section I: Enoploidea from Antarctic stations
B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition Reports, Series B
6(3): 37-74
Locality: Commonwealth Bay, King George V Land; NeMys doc_id: 3815; NeMys doc_id: 16255
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-06-18 16:05:08Z

Anticoma australis Mawson, 1956 accepted as Anticoma columba Wieser, 1953 (original description)
Anticoma columba Wieser, 1953 (taxonomy source)
Anticoma filicauda Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Anticoma fillicauda accepted as Anticoma allgeni Platonova, 1968 (original description)
Anticoma major Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Anticoma stekhoveni Wieser, 1953 accepted as Anticoma wieseri Mawson, 1958 (ecology source)
Anticoma wieseri Mawson, 1958 (redescription)
Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 (redescription)
Enoploides oligochaetus Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Enoploides pterognathus Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Epacanthion brevispiculum Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Epacanthion filicaudatum Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Klugea longiseta Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Klugea truncata Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Leptosomatides antarcticus Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Leptosomatides conisetosus Shuurmans Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 (redescription)
Leptosomatina longiseta Allgén, 1951 (redescription)
Leptosomatina longisetum Allgén, 1951 accepted as Leptosomatina longiseta Allgén, 1951 (additional source)
Mesacanthion infantile (Ditlevsen, 1930) De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933 (redescription)
Mesacanthion infantilis Ditlevsen, 1930 accepted as Mesacanthion infantile (Ditlevsen, 1930) De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933 (additional source)
Mesacanthoides wieseri Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Oncholaimus paraegypticus Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Oxyonchus australis (de Man, 1904) Filipjev, 1927 (redescription)
Oxystomina antarctica Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Paraleptosomatides Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Paraleptosomatides elongatus Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Paraleptosomatides spiralis Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Paramesacanthion microsetosum (Allgén, 1932) Wieser, 1953 (redescription)
Paranticoma antarctica Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Phanoderma banzare Mawson, 1958 (redescription)
Phanoderma banzare Mawson, 1958 (additional source)
Phanoderma campbelli Allgén, 1927 accepted as Metaphanoderma campbelli (Allgen, 1927) Platonova, 1984 (redescription)
Phanoderma speculum Schuurmans Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 (redescription)
Phanoderma speculum Schuurmans Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 (additional source)
Phanoderma steineri Ditlevsen, 1918 (taxonomy source)
Phanoderma wieseri Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Platycomopsis dimorphica Mawson, 1956 accepted as Platycoma dimorphica (Mawson, 1956) Cheng, 2015 (original description)
Platycomopsis paracobbi Mawson, 1956 accepted as Platycomopsis cobbii Ditlevsen, 1926 (original description)
Pontonema cobbi Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Pontonema leidyi Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Pontonema serratodentatum Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Pontonema valviferum Chitwood, 1951 (additional source)
Thoracostoma angustifissulatum Mawson, 1956 (original description)
Thoracostoma anocellatum Schuurmans Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 (redescription)
Thoracostoma antarcticum (von Linstow, 1892) accepted as Deontostoma antarcticum (von Linstow, 1892) Filipjev, 1916 (additional source)
Thoracostoma arcticum Ssaveljev, 1912 accepted as Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 (additional source)
Thoracostoma demani Mawson, 1956 accepted as Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 (original description)
Trichenoplus Mawson, 1956 accepted as Fenestrolaimus Filipjev, 1927 (original description)
Trichenoplus antarcticus Mawson, 1956 accepted as Fenestrolaimus antarcticus (Mawson, 1956) Lorenzen, 1981 (original description)
Antarctic Ocean for Anticoma major Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Anticoma wieseri Mawson, 1958 
Antarctic Ocean for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Antarctic Ocean for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Antarctic Ocean for Enoploides oligochaetus Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Enoploides pterognathus Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Epacanthion brevispiculum Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Epacanthion filicaudatum Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Leptosomatides antarcticus Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Leptosomatides conisetosus Shuurmans Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 
Antarctic Ocean for Leptosomatina longiseta Allgén, 1951 
Antarctic Ocean for Mesacanthion infantile (Ditlevsen, 1930) De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933 
Antarctic Ocean for Mesacanthoides wieseri Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Oncholaimus paraegypticus Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Oxyonchus australis (de Man, 1904) Filipjev, 1927 
Antarctic Ocean for Paraleptosomatides elongatus Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Paraleptosomatides spiralis Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Paramesacanthion microsetosum (Allgén, 1932) Wieser, 1953 
Antarctic Ocean for Paranticoma antarctica Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Platycomopsis dimorphica Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Platycomopsis paracobbi Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Pontonema cobbi Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Pontonema leidyi Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Pontonema serratodentatum Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Thoracostoma angustifissulatum Mawson, 1956 
Antarctic Ocean for Thoracostoma anocellatum Schuurmans Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 
Antarctic Ocean for Trichenoplus antarcticus Mawson, 1956 
Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone for Anticoma major Mawson, 1956 
Barents Sea for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Barents Sea for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Batangas for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Batangas for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Batangas for Epacanthion brevispiculum Mawson, 1956 
Batangas for Trichenoplus antarcticus Mawson, 1956 
California for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
California for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Falkland Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for Anticoma major Mawson, 1956 
Falkland Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for Enoploides pterognathus Mawson, 1956 
Fisheries Zone around Svalbard for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Fisheries Zone around Svalbard for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Florida for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Florida for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Graham Island for Anticoma major Mawson, 1956 
Graham Island for Enoploides oligochaetus Mawson, 1956 
Graham Island for Enoploides pterognathus Mawson, 1956 
Grytviken for Anticoma wieseri Mawson, 1958 
Hudson Bay for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Hudson Bay for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Hudson Bay for Epacanthion filicaudatum Mawson, 1956 
Hudson Bay for Trichenoplus antarcticus Mawson, 1956 
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for Anticoma major Mawson, 1956 
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for Enoploides oligochaetus Mawson, 1956 
Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone for Enoploides pterognathus Mawson, 1956 
Mindanao Sea for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Mindanao Sea for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Panama City for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Panama City for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Raiatea for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Raiatea for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Raiatea for Epacanthion brevispiculum Mawson, 1956 
South Georgian and the South Sandwich Islands for Anticoma wieseri Mawson, 1958 
Tahiti Island for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Tahiti Island for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Tobago for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Tobago for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Ushuaia for Deontostoma arcticum (Ssaweljev, 1912) Filipjev, 1916 
Ushuaia for Deontostoma demani (Mawson, 1956) Hope, 1967 
Ushuaia for Trichenoplus antarcticus Mawson, 1956 

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