Platonova, T. A. (1984). An Analysis of the Cephalic Structures in Free-living Nematodes of the Family Enoplidae (Enoplida) and the Problems of Evolution of This Group (Analiz Golovykh Struktur Svobodnozhivushchikh Nematod Semeistva Enoplidae (Enoplida) i Voprosy Evoliutsiia etoi Gruppy). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 63: 645-655.
Platonova, T. A.
An Analysis of the Cephalic Structures in Free-living Nematodes of the Family Enoplidae (Enoplida) and the Problems of Evolution of This Group (Analiz Golovykh Struktur Svobodnozhivushchikh Nematod Semeistva Enoplidae (Enoplida) i Voprosy Evoliutsiia etoi Gruppy)