Mokievsky, V. O.; Miljutina, M. A. (2011). Nematodes in meiofauna of the Large Aral Sea during the desiccation phase: taxonomic composition and redescription of common species. Russian Journal of Nematology. 19 (1): 31–43.
Mokievsky, V. O.; Miljutina, M. A.
Nematodes in meiofauna of the Large Aral Sea during the desiccation phase: taxonomic composition and redescription of common species
The taxonomic composition of meiobenthos with special reference to free-living nematodes is described for the Large Aral Sea at the intermediate stage of desiccation (year 2003). Water salinity at the time of sampling was about 89‰; meiobenthos was collected quantitatively at depths of 10 and 15 m. Twelve species of free-living nematodes were found, the dominating complex includes Thalassomonhystera parva, Monhystera sp. 2 and Ethmolaimus multipapillatus. The taxonomic composition on different taxonomic levels was tested in comparison with the Caspian Sea fauna and nematode fauna of inland brackish lakes of Central Asia (Issyk-Kul and Chany). It was concluded that the nematode fauna of Large Aral shows more similarities with Caspian fauna than with the faunistic composition of other inland lakes. Redescriptions of two common species Thalassomonhystera parva and Ethmolaimus multipapillatus are given.