Miljutin, D. M.; Miljutina, M. A. (2009). Description of Bathynema nodinauti gen. n., sp n. and four new Trophomera species (Nematoda: Benthimermithidae) from the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (Eastern Tropic Pacific), supplemented with the keys to genera and species. Zootaxa. 2096: 173-196.
Miljutin, D. M.; Miljutina, M. A.
Description of Bathynema nodinauti gen. n., sp n. and four new Trophomera species (Nematoda: Benthimermithidae) from the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (Eastern Tropic Pacific), supplemented with the keys to genera and species
Seven specimens of the family Benthimermithidae from the
Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone ( Eastern Tropic Pacific), from the
depths 4,800-5,040 m, were examined. Bathynema nodinauti gen. et sp. n.
is described. The new genus differs from other genera of
Benthimermithidae by the presence of an inner pharyngeal lumen. Four
new species of Trophomera are also described. Body length of female of
T. elegantis sp. n. approximately 1.5 mm; body cylindrical, anterior
and posterior ends in shape of rounded cone; cephalic setae 2.0-2.5 mu
m long; trophosome consisting of 1 row of cells; female reproductive
system didelphic, amphidelphic, occupying approximately 1/6 of total
body length; ovaries reflected; diameter of mature eggs 17 mu m; males
not found. Body length of female of T. minutissima sp. n. 0.9 mm; body
cylindrical, with thickest body part at anterior half of body; anterior
and posterior ends rounded; cephalic setae 1.5 mu m long; trophosome
consisting of 1 row of cells; female reproductive system didelphic,
amphidelphic, occupying approximately 1/3 of total body length; ovaries
reflected; size of mature eggs 24x23 mu m; males not found. Body length
of female of T. pacifica sp. n. 5.4 mm; body cylindrical, anterior end
rounded; posterior end conical, with thick conical terminal spine 81 mu
m long, showing granular core; cephalic setae 2.5 mu m long inserted in
tiny pits; trophosome consisting of 1 row of cells; female reproductive
system didelphic, amphidelphic, occupying approximately 2/3 of total
body length; ovaries outstretched; size of mature eggs 34x20 mu m;
males not found. Body length of female of T. senckenbergi sp. n. 1.6
mm; body fusiform; anterior and posterior ends in shape of a cone with
rounded tip; cephalic setae 2 mu m long; trophosome consisting of 1 row
of cells; female reproductive system didelphic, amphidelphic, occupying
approximately 1/6 of total body length; ovaries non-reflected; males
not found. The new finding of T. marionensis is recorded. One rest
specimen (in bad condition) of a new species is described as a
morphotype. A dichotomous key to the genera of the Benthimermithidae
and tabular keys to Trophomera species are presented.