World Database of Nematodes

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Nemys source details

Kovalyev, S. V.; Miljutina, M. A. (2009). A review of the genus Aponema Jensen, 1978 (Nematoda: Microlaimidae) with description of three new species. Zootaxa. 2077: 56–68.
Kovalyev, S. V.; Miljutina, M. A.
A review of the genus Aponema Jensen, 1978 (Nematoda: Microlaimidae) with description of three new species
2077: 56–68
NeMys doc_id: 17885
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
The taxonomy of the genus Aponema Jensen, 1978 is discussed. An emended diagnosis and identification keys at species level are provided. Two Aponema species - A. decramerae and A. mnazi are transferred from the genus Aponema to Microlaimus because of the presence of two testes. One known Microlaimus species, Microlaimus nanus Blome, 1982, is transferred from the genus Microlaimus to Aponema because of the presence of a single testis in males. Three new Aponema species are described. A. bathyalis sp. n. is characterized by a small body, smooth or slightly transversely striated cuticle, amphids with rod-like protruding corpus gelatum, almost round pharyngeal bulb and presence of three papilliform precloacal supplements in males. A. bathyalis is similar to A. nympha and A. nanum but differs from the former by the position of amphidial fovea (at about 1.5 head diameters from anterior end vs less than 0.7 head diameters from anterior in A. nympha) and from the latter by the presence of a gubernaculum, a protruding corpus gelatum from the amphidial fovea and by the shorter tail (c = 8.2-11.3 vs c = 5.8-7.8). A. minutissima sp. n. is characterized by a very small slender body, transversely striated cuticle, roundish amphidial fovea, spherical pharyngeal bulb, presence of short somatic setae, large spermatozoa, and a weakly developed copulatory apparatus without gubernaculum. It differs from the other Aponema species by the small body size (0.20-0.43 mm). It mostly resembles A. bathyalis sp. n. but differs by smaller size, slightly striated cuticle and absence of a gubernaculum. A. westindicum sp. n. is characterized by a larger body, annulated cuticle, discernible dorsal tooth, pyriform pharyngeal bulb and conical tail. It differs from A. nanum (Blome, 1982) by longer body size and structure of buccal cavity. All Aponema species described in this paper are characterized by monorchic males without gubernacular apophyses, females with two outstretched ovaries and a conical tail.
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2013-11-25 14:09:14Z
2014-06-18 16:05:08Z

Aponema Jensen, 1978 (taxonomy source)
Aponema Jensen, 1978 (additional source)
Aponema bathyalis Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009 accepted as Microlaimus bathyalis (Kovalev & Miljutina, 2009) Tchesunov, 2014 (original description)
Aponema decraemerae Muthumbi & Vincx, 1999 (taxonomy source)
Aponema decraemerae Muthumbi & Vincx, 1999 (additional source)
Aponema minutissima Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009 accepted as Microlaimus minutissimus (Kovalev & Miljutina, 2009) Tchesunov, 2014 (additional source)
Aponema minutissima Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009 accepted as Microlaimus minutissimus (Kovalev & Miljutina, 2009) Tchesunov, 2014 (original description)
Aponema mnazi Muthumbi & Vincx, 1999 accepted as Microlaimus mnazi (Muthumbi & Vincx, 1999) (taxonomy source)
Aponema nanum (Blome, 1982) Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009 represented as Microlaimus nanus Blome, 1982 (taxonomy source)
Aponema nympha Bussau, 1993 accepted as Microlaimus nympha (Bussau & Vopel, 1999) Tchesunov, 2014 (additional source)
Aponema torosum (Lorenzen, 1973) Jensen, 1978 (additional source)
Aponema westindicum Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009 accepted as Microlaimus westindicus (Kovalev & Miljutina, 2009) Tchesunov, 2014 (additional source)
Aponema westindicum Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009 accepted as Microlaimus westindicus (Kovalev & Miljutina, 2009) Tchesunov, 2014 (original description)
Bathynox (Bussau, 1993) Bussau & Vopel, 1999 (additional source)
Microlaimus de Man, 1880 (taxonomy source)
Microlaimus mnazi (Muthumbi & Vincx, 1999) (status source)
Microlaimus nanus Blome, 1982 (new combination reference)
Holotype IORAS D-1/14, identified as Aponema bathyalis Kovalyev & Miljutina, 2009
 Taxonomic remark

Does not fit to diagnosis of Aponema because of well-developed anterior and posterior testes [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Does not fit to diagnosis of Aponema because of well-developed anterior and posterior testes [details]

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