World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

Nemys source details

Ott, J. A. (1972). Twelve New Species of Nematodes from an Intertidal Sandflat in North Carolina. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 57 (1): 463-496
Twelve New Species of Nematodes from an Intertidal Sandflat in North Carolina
Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 57 (1): 463-496
NeMys doc_id: 5155
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
The animals described in this paper were collected in the fall and winter 1969 during ecological investigations of the nematode fauna in a fine sand flat at Wrightsville Beach, north of Wilmington, North Carolina. This is also the type locality of the new species. All nematodes described are from samples taken at various depths in the sediment at about the midtide level. Although a number of species, especially those inhabiting the superficial layer and the more abundant species, have previously been described (COBB 1917, 1920; CHITWOOD 1936a, b; TIMM1 952; HOPPER19 61a, b; WIESER & HOPPER1 966,1967),a great number of species, especially from deeper sediment layers, appear to be new to science. This paper is by no means a complete account of all the new species encountered. The selection of these particular animals is based either on their importance as a part of the nematode fauna or on the systematic or morphological interest they deserve.
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2013-01-29 08:29:25Z
2014-06-18 16:05:08Z
2022-07-27 07:59:25Z

Chromadorita pharetra Ott, 1972 (original description)
Chromaspirina parma Ott, 1972 accepted as Spirinia parma (Ott, 1972) Leduc & Verschelde, 2015 (original description)
Nannolaimoides Ott, 1972 (original description)
Nannolaimoides armatus (Gerlach, 1964) Ott, 1972 (new combination reference)
Nannolaimoides decoratus Ott, 1972 (original description)
Odontophora falcifera Ott, 1972 (original description)
Parapomponema Ott, 1972 accepted as Pomponema Cobb, 1917 (original description)
Parapomponema hastatum Ott, 1972 accepted as Pomponema hastatum (Ott, 1972) (original description)
Parapomponema macrospirale Ott, 1972 accepted as Pomponema macrospirale (Ott, 1972) (original description)
Propomponema Ott, 1972 accepted as Pomponema Cobb, 1917 (original description)
Propomponema foeticolum Ott, 1972 accepted as Pomponema foeticolum (Ott, 1972) Huang & Zhang, 2014 (original description)
Siphonolaimus tubicen Ott, 1972 (original description)
Synonchiella hopperi Ott, 1972 (original description)
Terschellingia brevicauda Ott, 1972 (original description)
Xyzzors iubatus Ott, 1972 (original description)
North Carolina for Propomponema foeticolum Ott, 1972 
North Carolina Shelf for Nannolaimoides decoratus Ott, 1972 
North Carolina Shelf for Parapomponema hastatum Ott, 1972 
North Carolina Shelf for Parapomponema macrospirale Ott, 1972 

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