Gagarin, V. G.; Naumova, T.V. (2018). [Paramononchus rarus sp. n. and Paradorylaimus securus sp. n. (Nematoda, Enoplida) from Lake Baikal.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. 97: 1340-1349. [In Russian.].
Illustrated descriptions of two new species of nematodes found in the surface bottom sediment of Lake Baikal are given. Paramononchus rarus sp. n. is morphologically close to P. alimovi Tsalolikhin 1990, but has a thicker body, a comparatively short and less slender tail, a different position of the vulva and a larger oral cavity. Paradorylaimus securus sp. n. is morphologically close to P. jankowskyi (Tsalolikhin 1977) and P. vacillans Loof 1996, but differs from both by a shorter and less slender tail in females, a shorter odontophore and more numerous precloacal supplements and their arrangement.