Datta T.K.,Gunasekher S., Mohapatra A. (2014). First report on the occurrence of free-living marine Nematode Oncholaimellus brevicauda Timm 1969 (Oncholaimidae: Enoplida) from India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. Vol. 43(10), pp. 1922-1926.
Datta T.K.,Gunasekher S., Mohapatra A.
First report on the occurrence of free-living marine Nematode Oncholaimellus brevicauda Timm 1969 (Oncholaimidae: Enoplida) from India
Occurrence of free-living marine Nematode Oncholaimellus brevicauda Timm, 1969 is recorded with morphological description of both male and female for the first time from India. Genus is characterized by a massive right subventrolateral tooth and transverse band in buccal cavity. Species is different from the other Indian species of same genus in having long spicules with two-waved upward directing end part in male and short tail with spinneret at the tail end.