World Database of Nematodes

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Nemys source details

Holovachov, O.; Boström, S.; Mundo-Ocampo, M.; Villenave, C. (2008). Description of two new species of the genus Chiloplacus Thorne, 1937 (Rhabditida: Cephalobidae) from Israel and Senegal. Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics. 11(2), 147-157.
Holovachov, O.; Boström, S.; Mundo-Ocampo, M.; Villenave, C.
Description of two new species of the genus Chiloplacus Thorne, 1937 (Rhabditida: Cephalobidae) from Israel and Senegal
Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics
11(2), 147-157
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Two new species of Chiloplacus, C. membranifer sp. n. and C. similis sp. n., are described from arid habitats in Israel and Senegal, respectively. Both new species share the uniquecharacter of an asymmetrical development of the lateral field at the level of vagina and a left-ventrosublateral position of the vulval opening differentiating them from all other species of Chiloplacus. Females of the new species can be separated from each other by body length (560-654vs 778-998 μm) and many other morphometric characters like body diameter (21.0-27.0 vs 25.5-37.0 μm), neck length (161-172 vs 205-257 μm), tail length (28.0-31.0vs 41.5-49.0 μm), anal body diameter (13-16vs 18-29 μm), lip region diameter (7.5-9.0 vs 10.0-12.0 μm), corpus length (105-124 vs 149-195 μm), corpus/isthmus ratio (3.5-5.2 vs 6.2-10.6), bulb length (14-18 vs 21-28 μm) and diameter (12.0-14.0 vs 14.5-22.0 μm); position of nerve ring (97-103 vs 122-159 μm), excretory pore (103-107 vs 138-167 μm), deirid (115-121 vs 152-180 μm), and phasmid (11-16 vs 23-32 μm); and length of vagina (10.5-14.5 vs 14.5-17.5 μm) and posterior uterine sac (56-69 vs 80-106 μm). They can furthermore be differentiated by the shape of labial probolae (longer and more slender, bifurcated at over one-half of their total length vs shorter and plumper, bifurcated at about one-third of their total length) and external morphology of cuticle (without continuous longitudinal striation vs with fine longitudinal striation).
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2022-03-14 07:41:11Z

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