Belogurov, O. I., Belogurova, L. S. and Leonova, A. V. (1972). The Review of the Genus Pseudoncholaimus with Reference of Monodelphness of Nematode and Heterotopy of the Female Genital Pore (Obzor Roda Pseudoncholaimus (Nematoda, Oncholaimidae) i Zamechaniia o Monodel'fnosti Nematod i Geterotopii Zhenskogo Polovogo Otverstiia). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 51(10): 1450-1456.
Belogurov, O. I., Belogurova, L. S. and Leonova, A. V.
The Review of the Genus Pseudoncholaimus with Reference of Monodelphness of Nematode and Heterotopy of the Female Genital Pore (Obzor Roda Pseudoncholaimus (Nematoda, Oncholaimidae) i Zamechaniia o Monodel'fnosti Nematod i Geterotopii Zhenskogo Polovogo Otverstiia)