Alekseev, V. M. and Linnik, O. V. (1994). Halalaimus dolgovi Sp N (Nematoda, Oxystominidae), A New Nematode of the Marine Genus from Lake Khanka Halalaimus dolgovi sp n (Nematoda, Oxystominidae) (Novyi predstavitel' roda morskikh nematod iz ozera Khanka). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 73(4): 111-115.
Alekseev, V. M. and Linnik, O. V.
Halalaimus dolgovi Sp N (Nematoda, Oxystominidae), A New Nematode of the Marine Genus from Lake Khanka Halalaimus dolgovi sp n (Nematoda, Oxystominidae) (Novyi predstavitel' roda morskikh nematod iz ozera Khanka)
The new species was found in the central part of the lake Khanka at the depth of 4 m. Only 2 non-marine species of the genus are known at present. H . dolgovi differs from H. stammeri (Yugoslavia ) and H.algeriensis (Algeria ) by the dimensions and ratios of body and organs. H. dolgovi is similar to the marine species H. gracilis and H . minusculus, from which it differs by the body ratios and position of some structures. All the species noted above are morphologically similar and, probably, form a geographic superspecies.